Are you looking for a way to bond with your dog?
Perhaps burn off some canine energy?
Build confidence?
Increase focus?
You may want to try Agility. Good Dog will be offering two Agility classes, intended for dogs who are new to the sport.
In our classes you will learn to work as a team with your dog. Your dog will be introduced to jumps, tunnels and other obstacles. More importantly, he will also learn to focus on you and how to really listen well. Many will notice that their dog has gained confidence.

Our Agility for Fun class offers you and your dog a relaxed, non-competitive introduction to the sport of agility. You and your dog will get a good workout – mentally and physically!
You will see benefits from Agility for Fun out of class as well, as your dog becomes more in tune with you.
Our Agility Foundation class is available as a follow up to our Agility for Fun class, for those who may be interested in going further in the sport of Agility. It can also be the starting point for a team that knows they are interested in Competition events.
Prerequisites for both classes:
Beginning Obedience OR Tweens with consent of instructor
Those with previous agility experience: consent of instructor (send us an email or call Donna)
Our Instructors –
Sarah Mesenhimer Johnson – Agility for Fun
Jen Mangelos – Agility Foundation
Through our website Good Dog Dog Training
Enrollment –
Classes will be Wednesday or Thursday evening
6 week sessions. (Details on website.)
Location –
Turlock, CA
Come join the fun. Enjoy Your Dog!